Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Universal Hand-E-Capper...

All the time I see this little white guy who has no face representing cappers everywhere. Do you ever feel that this is demeaning stereotypical, and insulting? Ps-why is he always white?
Steven Hawkings (names have been changed)

This is an Excellent question. That guy does bother us because we live in an age of "political correctness" and yet this ancient monolith to the Cappers is still our trade mark. How on earth did that happen let me point out a few of my concerns.
  1. He's Mostly White (sometimes blue, which a blue body = DEAD to most people, which we aren't) . Now there are just so you know, disabled people who are not white... yes it's true. we come in a verity pack!
  2. He's a rather slender fella, which as we have discussed in previous post we Cappies are not.
  3. What is up with his ancient wheelchair, good night...
  4. And his arms, straight, stiff and stubby just heinous
Ok so as you can see, all is not well and good here in Capperland. This thing is due for an updating lets see what we can do.


p.s. someone defaced this one, sicko

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