Friday, September 21, 2007

Helping Hands

Do you ever get annoyed when people offer to help you to much...?
L. Moran

No we don't get annoyed at all, this is something we as Cappies enjoy thoroughly. See we many times love to have "the eager to assist", complete any number of trivial or mundane tasks all to our glee and enjoyment.

See it goes like this we like help and most of the time when an object or or task is needing completion we will ask for assistance (and this we appreciate). Now when we keep getting asked over and over and over again, "do you want this or that, are you set, can I get you something", well this makes us want to roll our wheelchairs down a flight of steps... then set ourselves on fire.

So to get back we may (sometimes) ask for completely outlandish tasks:

"Please could you get me a handful of olives with no pimentos... could you get the large box of something or other in my van in the pouring rain; thanks your a darling"

all to our joy and hopefully your satisfaction in helping the Handy



Josh and Lisanne said...

that's it... i am no longer asking if you need anything!

Anonymous said...

I always request a red-headed stripper.